The work ergonomy is very important in the workplaces; the people must choose the best options of postures to work. The employers must give to employees a comfortable place to work and to be able to develop the work in a correct way.
Much of the time the workers represent the most important part in an organization or company this is why we need to take care of their health, and the good ergonomic facts can help us to choose the better conditions to work.
Some tips for a good ergonomic in the work are:
All the things and working tools must be close you, this means that if you need the phone or paper you can get it without any uncomfortable actions.
· The screen of the computer must be in front you.
· The light in the working place must be the correct one, try to use natural light.
· The keyboard must be in front of you where your hands can use it in a comfortable way.
· If you write with the left hand the mouse must be in the left side of your desk, but if you write with the right hand the mouse must be in the right side of your desk.
· The chair must be adapted to desk in order to obtain a good combination and you can support your arms in a good way.
· If you are a short person you must search things that when you use them they support your feet.
· Your arms and your laps must be form an angle of 90°.
· Awkward Postures in the office work.
Here an example of good practices:
In the workplace we take some bad postures for example:
· Lack of Back support
· Lack of support at elbow and wrist.
· Not enough light in the office.
· Not enough space.
· The things that you need are far away from you.
Our reality:
Written by: Paulina Guillén Vargas.
Sorces consulted:
University of Jaen. (s.f.). UJAEN. Recovered October 28, 2011, of UJAEN:
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