Crime is a fact that affects Costa Rican and foreign visitors. The previous video shows how crime and violence are very harmful problems because they only bring negative effects to the community.
In the past, crime was only a word in Costa Rica, but nowadays, it is totally different, crime is very common. Peace and tranquility that identified Costa Rica, as peaceful country, now seems to be a dream. Crime, assaults and robberies at homes are really common in most Costa Ricans` lives. People are afraid of going out because cities are very dangerous.
In most newspapers, magazines and TV news it is very common to watch information about crimes and assaults that occur in our country. In many cases, crime and violence are related to drug traffic, which is another problem that is affecting Costa Rica.
In fact, crime is increasingly becoming a very concerning problem. Costa Rica has to change this situation now because violence affecting the tranquility and development of our country.
However, another real fact that we should not hide is the one we listen in the radio everyday, they say that the government is not congruent and strong enough on the application of laws or penalties against criminals. It is common to hear that criminals can rob or even kill a person and the police just arrest them for few hours and next day criminals are back in the streets. Analyzing these conditions we can see how the law application is not congruent with the reality Costa Ricans are facing.
In these circumstances, in the last decades penalties have been hardened, it is important to mention the most relevant changes first the maximum prison sentence was raising from 25 years to 50 years and the maximum sentence for teenagers was also increasing. These penalties are some of the highest around the world, nevertheless, it is evident how they are not enough to fight against crime and violence.
Finally, it is obvious that this country needs an urgent and effective reform in different areas, especially in the social field; had to hand with the juridical and political polices which need a quick restructuring.
“We have the right to live in peace!
Stop crime and violence!”
Written by Adriana Valverde.
Sources consulted:
Asamblea Legislativa. (1970). Código Penal. San José, Costa Rica.
Scott Oliver. (n.d.). Crimen En San José Costa Rica - Ofensores Reincidentes son un gran problema. Retrieved November 12, 2011, from