Radiation is the energy spread; the ionizing radiations are particles flow. Also the radiation is composed of electromagnetic waves; it forms from the presence of magnetic and electrical camp. We can find two types of radiation: natural radiation that comes from sun or nature resources and another kind of radiation is the artificial radiation this is the radiation created by humans.
The ionizing radiation is dangerous because it has enough energy to break up an atom, it also forms ions. Some examples of ionizing radiation are the gamma, X rays and alpha, beta particles.
The ionizing radiation represents a risk for human biology for example:
· They can interact with the human cells.
· The effects do not present immediately they present months later.
· It damages cells.
· It causes the death cells.
· It causes extern irritation.
· It causes contamination.
· It produces problems in workers blood.
· It causes problems in digestive system, in the skin, in the penis and testicles of men, in the ovary, in the eyes, heart health, bones, and lungs
To sum up we need to know that there are different kind of exposition to ionizing radiation for example we can be exposed at job, in the hospital, at home.
In medicine we are exposed when: we apply different treatments like radiology or radiotherapy, in the industry employees are exposed when in the work places are producing energy. Some places of works like hospitals that bring medical treatments for cancer, different types of work where the temperatures are high, a lot of jobs are where the workers need to manipulate radioactive materials, mines industries can be exposed to ionizing radiation that it is a lot of energy that are emitted from the soil or building materials as a result a lot of dangerous in the work place for example it can produce mutations, and alterations in DNA, also can damage some tissues and singles organs, in addition it can produce cancer.
I considered that video important because a lot of workers are exposed to ionizing radiation, most of all, I think that this video give us a lot of important information about how this kind of radiation is produce, it is interesting to listen and watch the video and know how ionizing radiation is produced. The ionizing radiation can be in the sun, in factories that produces high temperatures, the hospitals when the doctor apply radiology, in addition some common ionizing radiation are: alpha, beta and gamma.
To conclude I think that this video is very important because workers are not the only ones exposed, we are exposed too in the houses, college, in another places so for that we need be careful with ionizing radiation and take simple preventions like:
· No exposed a lot to the sun.
· Take prevention in my work place and avoid ionizing radiation
· Surveillance
· Use individual protective equipment.
· Good solid waste management.
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