The “Decalogue” Advocate

The “Decalogue” Advocate

I. Study. The law is constantly changing. If you do not follow their steps each day will be a little less lawyer.

II. Think, you learn studying law, but thinking is exercised.

III. Work. The Bar is a heavy fatigue at the service of justice.

IV. Struggle. Your duty is to fight for the law, but the day you’re in conflict with law, justice, fight for justice.

V. Be loyal. Leal as your client that you can not leave until you understand that it is unworthy of you. Loyal to the opponent, even if it is unfair to you, Loyal to the judge who ignores the facts, and must rely on what you tell and, as to the law, occasionally must rely on you invoke it.

VI. Tolerated. Tolerate another’s truth in the same way that you want yours to be tolerated.

VII. Be patient. The time is come from the things you do without them.

VIII. Have faith. Have faith in law as the best instrument for human coexistence in court, as the normal destiny of law in La Paz as a substitute kind of justice, and above all have faith in freedom, without which no law, no justice, no peace.

IX. Forget. Advocacy is a struggle of passions. If in every battle you were filling your soul with rancor come a day when life would be impossible for you. Completed combat, forgotten as soon as you defeat your victory.

X. Love your profession. Lawyers Try to consider so that the day that your child will get advice about your destination, consider an honor for you to provide it is a lawyer.

Taken From:
Mr Cameron Fisher. (2011, March 30). Australia’s advocate decalogue. Retrieved November 12, 2011, from

The "Decalogue” Advocate was written by Eduardo Juan Couture (1904-1956). He was a  teacher and lawyer.He was an eminent jurist, who was inducted into the “Colegio de Abogados de Lima”, as a Member of Honour in 1951. He was Professor of Procedural Law at the University of the Republic in his country Uruguay. He directed the “Journal of Law, Jurisprudence and Administration, he was Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences and President of the Bar Association.

The “Decalogue” Advocate contains regulations or commandments for professional or corporate lawyers in the exercise of their profession. It summaries the most important principles and values that support the professional, social, and personal life of every good lawyer.  It remarks values such as loyalty, tolerance, patience, respect, and responsibility.

I want to mention this information because these commandments are important, relevant and will help future lawyers as a guide the professional performance to avoid contradictions between legal and ethic norms.

We can observe the video of Romana Sadurska, she is a partner of prestigious law firm. She talks about her life and experience as a lawyer. She emphasizes how relevant it is to put into practice values and ethical principles to become a good lawyer.

Written by Adriana Valverde

Sources consulted:
Couture, Eduardo J. (2002).The statutes of the lawyer.  Jure publishers: Mexico.

Tips for Young Lawyer

Tips for Young Lawyers 

Young Lawyers: How to positively differentiate the legal market?
Experience: Talent knows no age. Youth can be a source of opportunities. The main opportunity for young lawyers is that they do not usually have so many prejudices and some elders. Limited preconceived opinions in the business world. What is experience? Is the ability to learn from the life of each customer case. This capacity depends on oneself rather than age. To think that a veteran lawyer is an expert on age alone is absurd and mental restraint for young lawyers.
Park your fear, your other possible barrier paper. The ability to think big costs no money and only those who think big to find opportunities. Think big computing well as investing their money and their time. If you have good values, no one will "steal" their dreams.
Imagine a young graduate who has been trained in legal practice and decided to join the profession. Usually the first thing that comes to mind is to try to join a firm or partner with other partners and open office. It is not essential. The key is to market its own strategy; a strategy defined, in writing, and opts for one of the above options. 
Constantly update their knowledge and reflect, however, the following. Knowledge, while essential, no marketing strategy is not going to go too far. As George Bernard Shaw: "Those who can, do, Those Who Cannot, teach [" Those who can, do, those who cannot, teach. "]
Attitude: Attitude is the base. To get new results, you should do different things. If not, the reason for his professional roof is yourself. Do not blame others. 
Learn to be stronger mentally, gaining self-esteem is essential to make a name in the profession. Improve self-esteem, self-acceptance is essential to better sell legal services.

Admire, Admire, not envy. For example, if you aspire to have a large law firm, the best we can do is admire the large law firms. So you can learn from them. If you envy them, lose energy unnecessarily.
Values: What makes the difference? The values ​​and style. You must know explicitly their values, define and communicate.
Vision: What is your vision for the future? Want to be an alternative to law firms that support the internationalization of companies in your country? An example: For years I have been creating a wide network of international contacts, influential law firms and indigenous major international markets. Firms are willing to support European business associations and my clients in their international expansion. If I’ve done, you can too. 
Having a direction (vision) is transcendental. Your dreams (vision) are becoming reality at the time that the plasma in writing, define objectives, strategies, actions, responsible for their achievement and a calendar.

Their market research: The world is full of conquerors trying to change others, when the first thing to do is to change or improve yourself. If you improve, start to get new results. Therefore, the epicenter of your market research you and your office. It is essential that you know your strengths and areas for improvement. Ask your colleagues how you are perceived. Leverage your personal brand on the basis of their virtues or strengths. 
The professional profile – In a hypercompetitive world, the measured profile is the lawyer-consultant, ie a lawyer to help customer oriented and able to identify customer needs and even anticipate them. An attorney with business profile, a professional who brings value to the customer.

Picture: We are an image. Until we know, for those is a picture: pleasant, reliable, trained, ready, unfriendly, etc. Why are first impressions so important, when forming perceptions. Watch your language verbal and gestural detail. Language creates perception, the door of business.
Fees: Anyone can compete on lower fees.

 Taken from:
Admin Pawter. (n.d.). Tips for young lawyers.  Retrieved November 12, 2011, from

The article “tips for young lawyers", shows us some tips and recommendations that will help young and futures lawyers to become an excellent professional. It may make it easier for them to establish a positive image in the legal market.

This article is important due to it is a motivation for law students and young lawyers who want to reach their goals and continue with their majors. It is significant to remark that talent has no age, just as the article mentions. Young lawyers, despite of their age, can successfully perform their jobs.  Assuming that a lawyer is an expert because of his age is an absurd restraint for young lawyers´ success.

Also, I wanted to mention this information because it is important to take into consideration lawyers´ attitude, values and ethic principles are aspects in the article which are going to make a difference between being a simple lawyer and being an outstanding lawyer.

Written by Adriana Valverde.